Career Transition / Outplacement - Wallace Associates

Chris has over 20 years of career management/outplacement experience in the Wichita area and can advise on such topics as the executive job market, changing business trends, new technology in the job search, emerging career fields, economic factors, marketing approaches, self-employment, and particularly, the local job market and network connections.

Today’s business climate demands the very best in professionalism, experience, and sensitivity where outplacement and career management services are concerned.

Outplacement or career management is a consulting service designed to assist organizations through some difficult processes, ranging from termination of a senior executive to major downsizings based on the organization’s long-term strategic needs or downturn in economic conditions.

At Wallace Associates, we understand that downsizing can be a major change for an organization and its employees. Some of the reasons that companies provide outplacement include:

• To ensure a smooth transition and minimize possible legal action
• To help the departing employee(s) look forward and not focusing on the past
• To ease downsizing employees’ stress and start them on the road to re-employment
• To preserve the company’s reputation as an employer of choice and good corporate citizen
• Out of a genuine desire to “do the right thing”