Wallace Associates - Communication Skills

Assertive Behaviour

This programme enables you to state confidently what you believe to be important without being hostile or demanding. Being assertive builds the self-confidence which gives you great advantages in the workplace and in your relationships outside work. It means you are able to express your opinion in a sensitive way which respects others – even when you disagree with their opinion. When you do this you build up more trusting relationships based on mutual respect.


By the end of this programme you will be able to:

  • Recognise unhelpful behaviours used by others and know how to respond
  • Understand the weakness of passive behaviour and make plans to improve
  • Take steps to control anger and avoid aggressiveness
  • Use a 3 step model to think, act and behave with assertiveness
  • Use assertiveness to handle complaints or criticisms
  • Give critical feedback to maintain performance in the team
  • Give bad news with confidence and expect results
  • Become a more influential person by assertive thinking and behaviour


Communication Skills

This programme enables you to give briefings, instructions and information so others are clear about the expectations you have for them. It is designed for those managing people for the first time and lays a solid foundation using a 4 phase model of communication. You will learn how to communicate in the key areas of management – running a meeting, leading discussions, allocating work and giving feedback. You will also learn that half of communication is listening – so will learn key skills for accepting feedback and engaging in dialogue. 


By the end of this programme you will be able to:

  • Understand different communication styles of others
  • Use body language to enhance your communication effectiveness
  • Choose the best language to suit the audience
  • Persuasively communicate in a way so people are moved to action
  • Run a meeting effectively and move discussions to decision making
  • Improve skills in giving and receiving feedback using a 3 step model
  • Facilitate a planning session by questioning and listening
  • Brief teams and individuals with clarity and conciseness


Interpersonal Skills

This programme enables you to build better relationships with colleagues and clients. It is about raising your scores on openness to others, looking for collaborative solutions in difficult situations and respecting the opinions of others. To achieve this you need to feel good about yourself and value others. You will use some of the tips from “personal branding” to build your levels of self-awareness. Also you may need to change some of your attitudes about work and relationships and learn to be generous, ask for help and admit mistakes.


By the end of the programme, you will be able to:

  • Use rapport to start and deepen relationships
  • Value and appreciate others to build trust and mutual respect
  • Understand the effect you have on others – and how they react to you
  • Persuade others by “pulling” instead of “pushing”
  • Create the attitudes which build positive relationships with others
  • Manage your mood to avoid anger or aggression towards others
  • Enhance your interpersonal effectiveness by managing your image
  • Accept feedback from others and explore areas for improvement